Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 4

Today is day four. Our eggs are well on their way to developing into chicks. A few classes stopped by to observe the changes to the eggs since Friday. With STAAR testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, their observation time will be very limited.

Mrs. Olson's class came down at the end of the day to see what developments took place over the weekend. It was so wonderful to hear all their conversations about what they've already learned about the chick life cycle.


So let's catch everyone up....

Day 2 and BIG things are already happening. At less than 48 hours into the incubation period, these chicks have begun to develop their hearts and ears. Their heart even begins to beat!!

Day 3 brings the development of their noses, wings, and legs. They should have feathers on their wings in the next several days.

And last but not least, the Day 4 egg. At this point our little chicks have begun to develop their tongues. How cool is that?!?!
 Having the chick eggs on campus has everyone EGGS-cited!! We'll be sure to keep our updates coming!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Follow us!

Are you as EGGS-cited as we are about this?!?!

Please follow us by email (over on the right hand side). This will allow you to receive updates in live time from our 1st grade teachers and students. As soon as a new post is available on our blog, you will be the first to know!

Day 1

The students arrived excited to find out the eggs had arrived and been placed in the incubator yesterday. Many of the classes have been down to the library to observe the eggs and look at the various models/pictures available for them.

The incubator not only keeps the eggs warm, but gradually turns the eggs so that they are constantly moving. The turners move so slowly that you really wouldn't know they were moving unless you came back to notice.

The expected hatching day is Thursday, April 17th. Stay turned for more information on how you can be a part of this exciting day too!! We will have a live feed set up on UStream for parents and classrooms in the building to watch.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Eggs Are Here!

We are very EGGS-cited to be studying about the life cycle of a chick. We hope you will follow our blog and learn with us.
Our eggs arrived at Peterson today and the 1st grade teachers worked to get the incubator set at a perfect 100 degrees. Today is actually considered Day Zero. The 21 day cycle will begin on Friday, March 28th.

Once the temperature was steady and regulated, Mrs. Dossey and Mrs. Hanson put the eggs inside. The incubator will keep our eggs warm during this process.

 Stay tuned for regular updates from all of our first grade classes!!