Friday, April 11, 2014

We candled again!!

First graders candled the chick eggs again today. This time we huddled in Mrs. Sanders' office so it was really dark. We wanted to make sure we could tell the "good" eggs from the "not so good" ones. Other classes around the building watched us live on our UStream channel. Today was even more EGGS-citing than last Friday!

We have one dozen eggs. Last week, after candling, we predicted that maybe five of the eggs were developing. We were unsure about the other seven. Today we were able to identify distinct differences between the "good", the "questionable" and the "bad".

Below are some pictures of eggs we are certain have developed as expected. Because the room was much darker, you are able to see the veins, air pockets, and even movement from the chick inside.

The next few pictures are of eggs that did not show signs of development. The first graders were able to identify the drastic differences in these eggs as soon as the light was shone on them. We did not see veins or any dark spots, so of course there was no movement to observe.

This last egg was interesting. We are fairly certain this egg began to develop... but something must have happened along to way. There were no veins to observe. Instead we saw a small black mass. It looked drastically different from the other eggs we saw today. Mrs. Dossey has decided we should leave the egg in the incubator until hatching day. It could be that this egg is just developing slower than the others.
To sum up today's candling... we are expecting 9 chicks to hatch next Thursday. The two eggs that show no sign of development will be removed from the incubator when the turners are removed. The last egg, the one with the dark spot, will remain in the incubator and we will see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Sherwood's Class is so excited to see these chicks hatch! We can't believe that we could have 9 out of 12! That is great!
